MACBETH | Episode 57 - These Murdered Deer


What concern they?
The general cause? Or is it a fee-grief
Due to some single breast?

No mind that's honest
But in it shares some woe; though the main part
Pertains to you alone.

If it be mine,
Keep it not from me, quickly let me have it.

Let not your ears despise my tongue for ever,
Which shall possess them with the heaviest sound
That ever yet they heard.

Hum! I guess at it.

Your castle is surprised; your wife and babes
Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner,
Were, on the quarry of these murdered deer,
To add the death of you.

Merciful heaven!
What, man! ne'er pull your hat upon your brows;
Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak
Whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break.

My children too?

Wife, children, servants, all
That could be found.

And I must be from thence!
My wife killed too?

I have said.


The word is used only twice in the play - when Macbeth tells us that he will surprise Macduff’s castle, and now, as Ross tells us that it has happened. To us it seems like a fun word, but at its root is an element of taking, of seizing and of capturing. It’s an awful moment, and no accident that Shakespeare is so careful in his choice of words.

As promised within the episode, here is the popular quote from Seneca’s Hippolytus: “Curae leves loquuntur, ingentes stupent.” Small problems speak, but great ones stay silent.

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was a very influential French Renaissance philosopher. His Essays were widely available in English translation, and it has been maintained since at least the 1780s that Shakespeare could have read them. There are passages in The Tempest, for example, that seem like almost direct echoes of John Florio’s translation of the Essays, first published in 1603. It’s possible that - if Shakespeare didn’t know the aforementioned Seneca line from the Latin - there’s an echo of Florio’s version of it here.
